【同义词辨析】 2019-07-30 相关relevant-apropos

relevant: implies a traceable, significant, logical connection: use any ~ evidence to support your argument.   (trace踪迹痕迹,泛指任何留下的轨迹标志影响等may suggest any line, mark, or discernible effect left behind,如an animal species believed to have vanished without trace相信这种动物已经消失得无影无踪了。这里traceable表示可以追踪追溯)

germane: may additionally imply a fitness for or appropriateness to the situation or occasion: a topic not ~ to our discussion.  appropriatefit都表示合适适用readiness to use,意思没有区别, fit更口语化,appropriate更正式语气更强,在2017-12-12 合适fit-felicitous中,felicity表示行为得体适宜或语言贴切

material: implies so close a relationship that it cannot be altered without obvious deleterious effect: the scene is ~ to the rest of the play.   deleterious有害的,强调是意想不到的

pertinent: stresses a clear and decisive relevance: a ~ observation that cut to the heart of the problem.

apposite: suggests a marked and felicitous relevance: the anecdotes in his sermons are always ~. mark标记,使人能注意,marked明显的,不需要强调

applicable: applies to something such as a general rule or principle that may be brought to bear upon or used fittingly in reference to a particular case, instance, or problem: a precedent that is not ~ in this case.  in reference to=with reference to意思是关于about,如I am writing in reference to your ad我正在写关于你广告的材料,如解释中be used in reference to a case使用关于某个案例,即用于某个案例)  (to bring to bear upon something表示去处理应对某事to deal with something,如British scientists have brought computer science to bear on this problem英国科学家们已经应用计算机科学来处理这个问题,bear upon还表示有关系涉及,见末尾注释)

apropos: suggests what is both relevant and opportune: for your term paper use only ~ quotations.   opportune适时的implies what happens at the best possible moment,如an idea that arose from an opportune remark一句正是时候的话催生了那个想法)

relevant(直接)相关: 表示具有重要逻辑可追溯联系,强调直接相关,germane适合恰当: 增加了适合的意思,material实质性: 表示密切相关,不可缺少,否则会有损害,pertinent密切: 强调清晰决断的相关性,apposite得体适宜贴切: 表示行为言语得体适宜贴切,applicable适用: 表示通用规则原则可以处理用于某一实例案例问题,apropos合时宜: 表示正是时候

记忆方法: 1)首字母RGMPAAA排序成MAGA RAP,其中RAP是说唱歌曲,MAGA是川普竞选口号<==相关         MAGA: Make America Great Again使美国再次伟大是川普的竞选口号,但不是川普最先提出来的,之前里根用过              

         2)相关的意思是有关系mean relating to or bearing upon the matter at hand.   (to bear upon something有关涉及to relate to something , 如these are matters that bear on the welfare of the community这些事情关系到社群的福祉)